Thank you for submitting the Residential Services Referral Form.
Here are the next steps…
-Once the form is submitted, the referral source/individual will be notified of their placement on the waitlist, if applicable. If the individual does not want to remain on the waitlist, two alternative housing options will be provided.
-Once the form is approved and the individual wants to remain on the waitlist, a consultation will be scheduled with the referral source within one week. **The consultation is NOT admission into the program.
-Ongoing consultations and updates with the referral sources will occur throughout the individual’s placement on the waitlist.
-When the individual reaches the #3 spot on the waitlist, a final consultation with the referral source will be completed to ensure the individual is still eligible for the program.
-In addition, a screening will take place, in which the Director and individual meet in person to talk about the program, answer questions and determine the appropriateness of the individual. **The screening is NOT admission into the program.
-The referral source and/or individual will be notified of the decision to move forward with an initial assessment or be given two other housing options. The initial assessment will be scheduled on the day of determination and be completed within one week (scheduling initial assessments is not applicable for internal Transitions staff).
Please direct any additional questions to Shana DeCook, Residential Manager, at